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Strategic Business Advice

I’ve seen it happen countless times. As a business grows, so does its complexity. Simple processes become messy and more complicated than they need to be. Remember back to when you first created your company? It was based on a clear vision, filled with optimism and possibility. But as the business journey unfolded, you become like most other company owners and got pulled into working within the business, instead of leading it.

The side effects of being constantly pulled away from strategy and vision, swallowed up by mundane low impact tasks is that your business growth stagnates. Without a strong team to manage responsibility, too much focus is given to what doesn’t make an impact long term. Something doesn’t quite feel right for your organization, but when you don’t know the root cause behind the problems being faced. The only option seems to continue ploughing ahead with the same strategies. A new perspective on the same problems can inject the creative spark that’s been missing.

All good leaders know when to bring in an expert.

You need the analysis and guidance a consultant advisor can share along the path to an exceptional business.

Will This Work For My Business?

Short answer - Completely, Yes!

Long answer - Every business is unique. The advice and guidance offered can only guarantee to improve the probability of specified outcomes. Results, like in any area of life are dependent on several factors. From capabilities and time to commitment and business environment. The companies that achieve the best results are those that are open and committed to integrating solutions fully.

Why Hire a Business Consultant / Advisor

Companies chose to work with a business consultant / advisor, when they’re ready to make a shift in performance and go to the next level. To do so, often requires big changes and decisions filled with uncertainty. Businesses supported in those key strategic choices with someone who really cares and understands the potential pitfalls is crucial to developing success.

Business owners and entrepreneurs hire a business advisor, consultant when:

The OZConsultingUS Method

Developed through combining the best education and real-world business experience, the OZ Consulting method is a completely unique modelling approach to business transformation.


With quality analysis a true assessment of performance across every area of the business can be understood. Presenting a holistic picture of any company with crystal clarity.


Identifying the clear needs, shifts to creativity and business problem solving with solution generation. Ideas designed to work and be easily implemented.


Solution implementation targeting high priority business challenges and growth opportunities are monitored with pinpoint accuracy and delivery expertise.

Straight to Optimization

At its core, business consulting is creative problem-solving. Successful businesses are defined by their capability to overcome challenges fast. There are always multiple potential routes and options a business can take to solve a problem. Yet it is the solutions that cover all aspects of a problem and manage to solve them without creating different challenges that is true optimization. If your organization is facing any kind of business challenge that is compromising performance, Oz Consulting US can help. We can be your partner in analyzing, synthesizing, and optimizing your way through complex multi-faceted problems with effective solutions to:

Why Business Owners and Entrepreneurs Use OZConsultingUS, Ercan:

Maximize profits

Increase overall profitability with clear conceptualized growth-driven sales and marketing strategies, leveraging channels that maximize margin and returns.

Reduce complexity & inefficiencies

Identify core problems being experienced and get to get to the root cause of those issues, so you can run your business with precision efficiency and effectiveness.

Grow sales & revenue

Boost business sales with expertly designed, company-wide marketing campaigns that capture untapped business growth opportunities.

Increase productivity

Efficiently allocate more resources to the processes that deliver long term business success by integrating new systems and approaches to day-to-day operations.

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